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Results for Visual Culture. 11 records matched your search request.
Areas of expertise: Archaeology, Art Theory, Epistemology, Cultural Studies, History of Art and Visual Culture, Indigenous Arts, Latin American and Latino Studies, Visual Arts, Visual Culture
Biography, Education and Training
Areas of expertise: Visual Culture, Contemporary Art, Art Theory, Critical Theory, Art Photography/Photography as Critical Practice, Media Studies, Contemporary Cinema, Aesthetics
Biography, Education and Training
Derek Conrad Murray is an interdisciplinary theorist specializing in the history, theory, and criticism of contemporary art and visual culture. He works in contemporary aesthetic and cultural theory with particular attention to technocultural engagements with the complexities of representation. He has contributed to leading magazines and journals such as Radical History Review, American Art, Art in America, Parachute, Art Journal, Third Text... more »
Areas of expertise: Africa and African Studies, Art, Colonialism, History of Art and Visual Culture, Museum Studies, Subsaharan Africa, Visual Culture
Areas of expertise: Classical Studies, Ancient World / Classics, Literature, Visual Culture, Museum Studies, Classics, Critical Theory, Drama, Gender Studies, Death/Mortality Studies
Biography, Education and Training
I received my BA in Classics from UCSC in 1980 and my Ph.D. in Classics from Brown University in 1987. I have taught at UCSC since 1989 where I am Professor of Classics and Literature. I served as chair of the Literature Department (2008-2012), as Director of the Classics Program, and as director of the EAP Program in the Netherlands. I have also served as Chair of the Senate Committee on Faculty Welfare, as Senior Co-Chair of the Women's Classical Caucus of th... more »
Areas of expertise: History, Asian Studies, Pacific Rim, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Visual Culture, Popular Culture, Youth Studies
Biography, Education and Training
Ph.D., Dissertation: "New Illusions: The Emergence of a Discourse on Traditional Japanese Arts and Crafts, 1868-1945," University of Chicago, 1997 M.A., Thesis: "Object Lessons: the Museological Practices of Edward S. Morse and Yanagi Sôetsu," University of Chicago, 1991 Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies, 1988-1989 B.A., Yale University (Summa cum laude), Yale University, 1983-1987
Press Contact
Allan Langdale
Senior Lecturer
Areas of expertise: Italian Studies, Ancient World / Classics, Archaeology, Film, Art Criticism, History of Art and Visual Culture, Mediterranean Studies, Visual Culture
Biography, Education and Training
Allan Langdale specializes in the art and architecture of the eastern Mediterranean, including Italy, Turkey, and Cyprus. Allan received his PhD in Italian Renaissance art history and the historiography of art history from the University of California at Santa Barbara. He has also taught courses in film and film theory at UC Santa Barbara. Other courses include Prints and Print Culture, the Art & Architecture of India, and Byzantine Art & Architecture. Allan is also a photographer and di... more »
Areas of expertise: African American / Black Studies, African Diaspora, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Critical Theory, Modernism, Poetry, Visual Culture
Biography, Education and Training
Poet and critic, David Marriott, was born and educated in England and received his Ph.D. in literature from the University of Sussex. His first book, On Black Men (Edinburgh University Press, 2000; Columbia University Press, 2000), was an interdisciplinary study of how models of selfhood come to acquire cultural recognition through the aberrant fictions of race. His second book, Haunted Life (forthcoming Rutgers University Press), extends this meditation on discourses of inwardness and the parad... more »
Areas of expertise: African American / Black Studies, Asian Studies, Art, Art Theory, Queer Studies, Performance, Poetry, Fiction, Visual Culture, Writing
Biography, Education and Training
Education: 2009 Ph.D., English, CUNY Graduate Center 1995 M.A., Poetry, New York University Graduate Creative Writing Program 1991 A.B., English, University of California, Berkeley Biography: Ronaldo V. Wilson is an award-winning poet, interdisciplinary artist, academic and author of six collections of hybrid and experimental works spanning poetry, fiction, mixed genre theory, performance, digital, sound, and visual art. He has performed in multiple ... more »
Press Contact
Areas of expertise: Visual Culture, Cultural Studies, Visual Arts, Video Games, Game Design, Game Studies, Game Studies, Contemporary Art, Contemporary Cinema, Digital Media, Diversity, Critical Theory
Biography, Education and Training
Soraya Murray (PhD Cornell) studies contemporary visual culture, especially film and video games. She is an Associate Professor in the Film + Digital Media Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her writings may be found in journals in the areas of contemporary art, film and digital culture, including venues such as Art Journal, Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art, Public Art Review, Third Text, Open Library of Humanities, PAJ: A... more »
Areas of expertise: Archives, Archival Practices, Art Criticism, Art Theory, Audio Culture, Community-based Research, Contemporary Art, Film, Visual Culture, Writing
Biography, Education and Training
Dorothy R. Santos, Ph.D. (she/they) is a Filipino American storyteller, poet, artist, and scholar. She earned her Ph.D. in Film and Digital Media with a designated emphasis in Computational Media and a certificate from the Science and Justice Research Center from the University of California, Santa Cruz as a Eugene Cota-Robles fellow. She received her Master’s degree in Visual and Critical Studies at the California College of the Arts and holds Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy and Ps... more »
Professor of History of Consciousness
History of Consciousness Department, Science & Justice Research Center, Latin American & Latino Studies, Global & Community HealthAreas of expertise: Science and Technology, Social Theory, Social Movements, Science Studies, Art Photography/Photography as Critical Practice, Activism, Environmental Justice, Cultural Studies, Political Theory, Visual Culture
Biography, Education and Training
Before joining the History of Consciousness Department I was Professor of Science, Technology and Society, Director of the Institute for Science and Society, and Founding Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Priority Cluster EcoSocieties at the University of Nottingham, UK, following appointments at the University of Leicester, Cardiff Universty, and the Free University of Berlin, Germany, where I also earned his PhD. I have been a Leverhulme Fellow in the UK and an Alexander-von-... more »
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