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Creative Writing Program

Department Web Site

8 records matched your search request.

Name Phone Dept./College Title Affiliation Mail Stop Last name
Nathaniel E Mackey
Literature Department
Professor Emeritus
Humanities Academic Services
Mackey Nathaniel
Micah E Perks
831-459-4586: no messages
Literature Department
Humanities Academic Services
Perks Micah
Robert J Wilson
831-459-2401 (Office)
Literature Department
Professor of Literature, Creative Writing, and Cultural Studies
Humanities Academic Services
Wilson Robert
Gary E Young
Literature Department
Continuing Lecturer
Humanities Academic Services
Young Gary
Ronaldo V Wilson
831-459-5247 (Office)
Literature Department
Professor, Director Creative Writing Program
Humanities Academic Services
Wilson Ronaldo
Karen T Yamashita
831 459-8994
Literature Department
Professor Emerita
Humanities Academic Services
Yamashita Karen
Melissa Sanders-Self
831-459-3098 (Office)
Literature Department
Continuing Lecturer
Humanities Academic Services
Sanders-Self Melissa
Thais H Miller
831-459-4778 (Literature Dept)
Literature Department
Graduate Student Instructor
Literature Department
Miller Thais

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