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she, ella
Arts Division
History of Art/Visual Culture
Distinguished Professor
Latin American & Latino Studies
Anthropology Department
Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas
Regular Faculty
Art Theory
Cultural Studies
History of Art and Visual Culture
Indigenous Arts
Latin American and Latino Studies
Visual Arts
Visual Culture
Porter College Academic
By appointment
Porter Faculty Services
Cultural histories of the native Americas and colonial Latin America. Inka (Inca) visual and performance culture before and after Spanish colonization, 1400–1825 CE.
Carolyn Dean is interested in how the arts embed various, often-conflicting ontologies and how indigenous perspectives have been ignored, dismissed, and misconstrued from colonial times through the present. She has published numerous articles and two books: Inka Bodies and the Body of Christ (Duke University Press, 1999) and A Culture of Stone (Duke University Press, 2010); her third book, Absence of Images: Inside Inka Abstraction, is currently in press.
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