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Academic Affairs
10 records matched your search request.
Name | Phone | Dept./College | Title | Affiliation | Mail Stop | Last name | |
Priscilla Wing-Kay Sung | 831-502-8027 | Academic Affairs | Senior Assessment Specialist | Staff | Chancellor's Office | Sung Priscilla |
Andrea Cohen | 831-459-2380 (direct) | Academic Affairs | Director of Strategy and Chief of Staff, Academic Affairs | Staff | Chancellor's Office | Cohen Andrea |
Sarah Schuster Kudela | 831-502-4866 | Academic Affairs | Executive Assistant | Staff | Academic Personnel Office | Kudela Sarah |
Herbie Lee | 831-459-1349 (Kerr) | Academic Affairs | Vice Provost for Academic Affairs | Faculty | Chancellor's Office | Lee Herbie |
Suzanne H Alonzo | 831-502-7706 (Office) | Academic Affairs | Associate Vice Provost | Faculty | CBB/EE Biology | Alonzo Suzanne |
Doriane Elaine Weiler | Academic Affairs | Assessment Analyst | Staff | No Mailstop | Weiler Doriane |
Vernon Alexander Legakis | 831-502-7382 | Academic Affairs | Videographer | Staff | Academic Personnel Office | Legakis Vernon |
Erika Renee Wolford | 831-459-1349 | Academic Affairs | Executive Assistant to the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs | Staff | Chancellor's Office | Wolford Erika |
Dana Conard | Academic Affairs | Educational Specialist for Accessibility and Technology | Staff | Teaching & Learning Center | Conard Dana |
Mary Ann Laurence | Academic Affairs | Senior Academic Planning Analyst | Staff | Academic Personnel Office | Laurence Mary |
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