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  Suzanne H Alonzo

Suzanne H Alonzo

Associate Vice Provost

831-502-7706 (Office)

831-459-4752 (Lab)


Physical & Biological Sciences Division
Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department
Institute of Marine Sciences

Associate Vice Provost
Full Professor


Institute of Marine Sciences

Regular Faculty

Animal Behavior
Behavioral Ecology
Sexism and Gender Bias
Game Theory
Marine Biology
Mathematical Modeling

CSC Coastal Biology Building

401 Kerr Hall

Varies- Please email to make an appointment.

CBB/EE Biology

Full Professor, Univ. Calif. Santa Cruz (2014-present)
Associate Professor with tenure, Yale (2012-2104)
Associate Professor on term, Yale University (2010-2011)
Assistant Professor, Yale University (2004-2010)
Assistant Researcher, Institute Marine Sciences, Univ. of California Santa Cruz (2001- 2004)
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Environmental Studies, Univ. of California Santa Cruz (1998-2001)

PhD: University of California Santa Barbara 1998
BA: University of California Berkeley 1992

Sexual selection, social behavior, evolutionary theory, quantitative methods in ecology and evolution

Theoretical and empirical research examining how coevolutionary dynamics and social interactions affect sexual selection and reproductive behaviors.

Evolution, Animal Behavior, Quantitative Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Evolution and Ecology of Behavior

See my Google Scholar Profile for Publications


BIOE 109 Evolution
BIOE 138/238 Modeling Evolution and Ecology
BIOE 142L Animal Behavior in the Wild
BIOE 159 Marine Ecology Field Quarter
BIOE 200A Scientific Skills
BIOE 279 Evolutionary Ecology

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