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Results for Gene Expression. 3 records matched your search request.

Todd M J Lowe

Todd M J Lowe

Professor & Associate Dean for Research, Baskin Engineering

Biomolecular Engineering

Areas of expertise: Biology, Bioinformatics, Big Data, Genomics, RNA Biology, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Gene Expression

Biography, Education and Training

B.A in Biology, 1992, Williams College, Williamstown MA Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics, 1999, Washington Univ. in St. Louis

Press Contact

Areas of expertise: Stem Cells, Gene Expression, Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology, Cell Biology

Biography, Education and Training

 My research aims to understand how stem cells decide to choose between two conflicting fates: division versus differentiation. I combine emerging genome-editing technologies with single cell imaging to determine regulatory principles of cell fate decisions in pluripotent cells.

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