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Results for Political Science. 3 records matched your search request.

Sheldon Kamieniecki

Sheldon Kamieniecki

Dean Emeritus, Division of Social Sciences, Professor Emeritus, Environmental Studies Department

Social Sciences Division, Environmental Studies Department

Areas of expertise: Electoral Politics, Environmental Policy, Political Science

Biography, Education and Training

BIOGRAPHY Sheldon Kamieniecki was Dean of the Division of Social Sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz between 2006 and 2017. Before that, from 1981 to 2006, he was a member of the Department of Political Science at the University of Southern California (USC). He was Chair of the Political Science Department and the founding Director of the Environmental Studies Program at USC. He received the Raubenheimer Award for Outstanding Senior Faculty in the College of Letters, Arts and Sc... more »

Kent H Eaton

Kent H Eaton

Distinguished Professor of Politics

Politics Department

Areas of expertise: Latin American and Latino Studies, Comparative Politics, Political Science, Politics

Biography, Education and Training

Stanford University, B.A. International Relations, 1990 Yale University, Ph.D. Political Science, 1998

Areas of expertise: Politics, United States Politics and Government, Political Science

Biography, Education and Training

B.A. Haverford College, 1982 PhD Cornell University, 1988 Congressional Fellow, American Political Science Association, 1993-4.

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