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  Kristy Kroeker

Kristy Kroeker


831-459-5022 (Office)


she, her, her, hers, herself

Physical & Biological Sciences Division

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department
Institute of Marine Sciences

Associate Dean of Research and Research Impact


Coastal Science & Policy Program
Environmental Studies Department

Regular Faculty

Climate Change
Coastal Science
Marine Biology
Marine Sciences
Environmental Policy
Ocean Studies
Science Communication

Lab webpage

CSC Coastal Biology Building

By Appointment

CBB/EE Biology

Community ecology, species interactions, global change biology, marine ecology

Coastal sustainability, climate change, multiple stressors, social-ecological systems, policy and management

  • Kroeker KJ, Micheli F and MC Gambi. (2013) Community dynamics and ecosystem simplification in a high-CO2 ocean. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 110: 12721-12726.
  • Kroeker KJ, Micheli F and MC Gambi. (2013). Ocean acidification causes ecosystem shifts via altered competitive interactions. Nature Climate Change, 3: 156-159.
  • Strong A, Kroeker KJ, Teneva L, Mease LA, and R Kelly (2014). Ocean Acidification 2.0: Managing our changing coastal ocean chemistry BioScience.
  • Kroeker KJ, Kordas RL, Crim RN and GG Singh. (2010). Meta-analysis reveals negative yet variable effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms. Ecology Letters 13: 1419–1434.

Marine Ecology Field Quarter
Marine Ecology
Global Change Ecology
Facilitating Change in Coastal Science and Policy

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