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Social Sciences Division
Psychology Department
Professor Emeritus
East Asian Studies
Social Sciences 2, Room 345
Psychology Faculty Services
- Gjerde, P.F., & Cardilla, K., (2010) Longitudinal implications of openness to experience in preschool children: Gender-differences in young adulthood. Developmental Psychology.
- Carlson, K., & Gjerde, P. F. Preschool Personality Antecedents of Narcissism in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: A 20-Year Longitudinal Study. Journal of Research in Personality, 2009, 43,570-578.
- Gjerde, P.F., Onishi, M., and Carlson, K. Personality characteristics associated with romantic attachment: A comparison of interview and self-report methodologies. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2004, 30, 1402-1415.
- Culture, power and experience: Toward a person-centered cultural psychology. Human Development, 2004, 47, 138-147. (Lead-in article for special issue)
- Onishi, M. and Gjerde, P.F. Attachment strategies in urban Japanese middle class couples: A cultural theme analysis of asymmetry in marital relationship. Personal Relationships, 2002, 9, 435-455.
- Weir Chang, R. and Gjerde, P.F. Preschool personality prototypes: Internal coherence, Cross-study replicability, and developmental outcomes in adolescence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2002, 28, 1229-1241.
- Gjerde, P.F. and Onishi, M. In search of theory: The study of 'ethnic groups' in developmental psychology. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 2000, 10, 291-299.
Psych 60: Introduction to Personality Psychology
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