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Physical & Biological Sciences Division
Ocean Sciences Department
Professor emerita
Institute of Marine Sciences
Remote work location
Ocean Sciences
Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program in Oceanography
B.S. Yale University (summa cum laude with distinction in the chemistry major)
Paleoceanography; marine geochemistry
Fellow of the Oceanography Society (one of four inaugural fellows), 2006
Outstanding Faculty Award, Physical and Biological Sciences Division, 2005-2006
Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, 2004
Association for Women Geoscientists Outstanding Educator Award, 2004
Award for Innovations in Teaching, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1991-1992
Teaching Award, Re-entry Student Services, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1988-1989
Shell Doctoral Fellowship, 1982-1983
Morton L. Feary Memorial Scholarship, 1974-1977
TRW Foundation Scholarship, 1973-1977
Yale Alumni of Western N.Y. Scholarship, 1973-1977
National Merit Scholarship, 1973-1974
Presidential Scholar Citation, 1973
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