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Baskin School of Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Assistant Professor
Regular Faculty
Engineering Building 2
Xin (Eric) Wang is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at UC Santa Cruz. His research interests include Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning, with an emphasis on building embodied AI agents that can communicate with humans using natural language to perform real-world multimodal tasks. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from UC Santa Barbara and Bachelor's degree from Zhejiang University. He also worked at Google AI, Facebook AI Research, Microsoft Research, and Adobe Research. Xin has served as Area Chair for ACL, NAACL, EMNLP, etc., and Senior Program Committee (SPC) for AAAI and IJCAI. He organized multiple workshops and tutorials at CVPR, ICCV, ACL, NAACL, AACL, etc. He received the CVPR Best Student Paper Award in 2019.
- Natural Language Processing
- Computer Vision
- Embodied AI
- Machine Learning
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