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Physical & Biological Sciences Division
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department
Institute of Marine Sciences
Adjunct Professor
Long Marine Lab Ocean Health Building
Long Marine Lab
I'm a conservation entrepreneur. I helped start:
1) Freshwater Life, which protects the most endangered freshwater species from extinction by eradicating invasive fish.
2) Island Conservation and Conservación de Islas, which combined have protected over 460 species from extinction and formed 1,665,000ha of marine and island protected areas.
3) Conservation Metrics, a for-profit social venture that uses machine learning tools to analyze sensor-derived big data on wildlife populations, and drive iterative improvements in conservation.
4) Henry Arnhold Fellows Program, which finds great people with proven conservation solutions and helps them take those solutions to scale.
5) Conservation Action Lab, which trained 27 grad students and post docs now doing cool stuff in conservation and academia- and publishes lots of papers on conservation and ecology.
6) Coastal Science & Policy Program at UCSC which trains new conservation leaders from all over the world.
I have a: B.S. in biology from the UC, Santa Cruz; M.S. in marine sciences from Moss Landing Marine Labs; and, Ph.D. in neurobiology and behavior from Cornell University.
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