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Steven S Vogt
Emeritus Distinguished Professor/Astronomer
Physical & Biological Sciences Division
Astronomy & Astrophysics Department
UC Observatories
Emeritus Distinguished Professor/Astronomer
Astronomy & Astrophysics
ISB 343
UCO / Lick Observatory
A.B., Physics, U.C. Berkeley, 1972
A.B., Astronomy, U.C. Berkeley, 1972
M.S., Astronomy, U. of Texas at Austin, 1976
Ph.D., Astronomy, U. of Texas at Austin, 1978
My current research is focussed on the detection and characterization of planets around nearby stars. This work involves using high resolution spectroscopy on large telescopes to obtain meter/second precision radial velocities, through which planets can be detected, sensing the reflex barycentric motion of their host star. I also do a lot if instrumentation development in support of this research. I am in the latter stages of commissioning a 2.4-m Automated Planet Finder telescope atop Mt. Hamilton, and am also working on an early-light spectrometer called MTHR for the Thirty-Meter Telescope.
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