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  S M Faber

S M Faber

Astronomer/Professor Emerita


831-459-5244 (Fax)


Physical & Biological Sciences Division

Astronomy & Astrophysics Department
UC Observatories

Astronomer/Professor Emerita




Web Page

CfAO 101

UCO / Lick Observatory

BA, Swarthmore College, 1966
PhD, Harvard University, 1972

Galaxy formation and evolution
Stellar populations
Astronomical instrumentation


My research is focused on using the lookback power of large telescopes to study the formation and evolution of galaxies. With colleagues Koo and Guhathakurta at UCSC and Davis at UCB, we completed the DEEP2 survey of 50,000 distant galaxies using the DEIMOS spectrograph at Keck 2, for which I was the PI. In the Extended Groth Strip, DEEP2 spectra have been augmented by a wealth of multi-wavelength data from the Chandra, Spitzer, and GALEX telescopes to create AEGIS, the largest deeply imaged panchromatic region on the sky. DEEP2/AEGIS data are being used to count galaxies, study their morphologies (see image above), measure their star-formation rates, and study their dynamics and metallicities. Our team has also joined with other scientists to create the CANDELS project, which is the largest survey of the universe undertaken by the Hubble Telescope. This incredibly rich database provides unique material for studying every aspect of galaxy evolution from mass assembly, to star-formation, morphological transformation, AGNs, and their effects.

Galaxy evolution

University Professor, University of California
Bower Award and Prize for Science from the Franklin Institute
Henry Norris Russell Lectureship of the American Astronomical Society
Dannie Heinemann Prize of the American Astronomical Society
Centennial Medal of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University
Annette de Vaucouleurs Medal, University of Texas
Médaille de l’Institute d’Astrophysique de Paris
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow
Honorary degrees: University of Chicago, University of Michigan, University of
Pennsylvania, Swarthmore College, Williams College
Member, National Academy of Sciences
Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Member, American Philosophical Society
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Harvard Board of Overseers
Member, Board of Trustees, Carnegie Institution for Science
Vice President and member, Board of Directors, Annual Reviews

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