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  Sarah Loerch

Sarah Loerch

Assistant Professor



she, her, her, hers, herself

Physical & Biological Sciences Division

Chemistry & Biochemistry Department

Assistant Professor


Regular Faculty

RNA Biology
DNA, RNA, Proteins

Sinsheimer Laboratories

409 (Lab)


Postdoc: HHMI, Janelia Research Campus

Ph.D Biophysics Structural and Computational Biology: University of Rochester

Eidg. Dipl. Apotheker ETH (Pharm.D. equiv.): ETH Zurich, Switzerland

M.S. Pharm. Sciences: ETH Zurich, Switzerland

B.S Pharm. Sciences: ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Structure and function of RNA-protein complexes, electron cryo-microscopy, biochemistry and biophysics, image processing

The Loerch lab studies translational regulation, or simply said, how a cell instructs ribosomes to make the right protein at the right time and in the right place. We use cutting edge cryo-EM methods including single particle analysis (SPA) to determine the high-resolution structures of purified complexes and high-resolution template matching (HRTM) to investigate these complexes in their native cellular environment. Our goal is to establish a more comprehensive understanding of structure-function relationships of specialized ribosomal complexes.

CHEM200 Advanced Biochemistry: Macromolecular Structure and Function

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