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Baskin School of Engineering
Graduate Studies Division
Ph.D. Candidate
Electrical and Cmputer Engineering. Robotics.
Engineering Building 2
I graduated from Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and a Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering. I joined the Graduate Program at the University of California, Santa Cruz in the Fall of 2018, after holding a professorial position for a year and a half, teaching and conducting research in the field of control systems theory and robotics.
Advisor: Ricardo Sanfelice
I study connections between control theory and game theory for scenarios in which the dynamics of the systems might exhibit both continuous and discrete behaviors.
My research is focused on the design, development, and analysis of intelligent and autonomous systems. I have an interest in the control of multiple agents that belong to networks with communication limitations. At Santa Cruz, I work in the Hybrid Systems Laboratory, where we have applications for mobile robots, autonomous vehicles, and biology.
Introduction to Feedback Control
Linear Dynamical Systems
Nonlinear Systems and Control
Optimal Control
Introduction to Robotics
Robotic Manipulation
2018-2022 Fulbright Scholarship for Doctoral Studies
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