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  Sheldon J Finkelstein

Sheldon J Finkelstein

Continuing Lecturer



Baskin School of Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering

Continuing Lecturer



Computer Science


  • Shel Finkelstein has been a Lecturer at UC Santa Cruz since January 2014, teaching courses in database and other areas. Shel joined SAP in 2006 where he was Vice President, Applied Research Fellow and a Chief Technology Architect, working on data management and applications. Prior to SAP, Shel was at Sun Microsystems, where he managed architecture and partnership relationships for Enterprise Java (J2EE, now JEE) when it was created, and was a Technical Director in Sun´s CTO office, leading several technology initiatives. Shel also was a Research Staff Member and manager on database and distributed systems at IBM Almaden Research, was a senior developer on the Transaction Management Facility and System-Managed Storage at Tandem Computers, and had senior positions at two database startups.

  • Database and data management
  • Transaction management
  • Distributed systems

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