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Finance, Operations and Administration
Risk & Safety Services
Strategic Resilience and Preparedness Manager
College Nine
Baskin School of Engineering
Other Staff
Carriage House
Monday through Friday, 7AM to 4PM or by Telecommute
Risk and Safety Services
After spending several of my post-high school years at a local community college, I transferred to UC Santa Cruz after earning Associate Degrees in Physics, Math, and Computer Sciences.
I attended UCSC beginning in the Fall of 2017 pursuing a degree in Computer Sciences. I worked with numerous student organizations and served as the sole student employee at the UCSC Office of Emergency Services. While there, I helped pioneer multiple programs including AED distribution around campus and geospatial mapping of emergency resources across the campus. I worked with the UCSC Student Union Assembly first as a Senator and then as a Parliamentarian for the 2019-2020 Academic Year. In those roles, I wrote constitutional/bylaw amendments while helping the governing body navigate a variety of issues.
Upon graduation in June 2020 with a BA in Computer Sciences, I took on a service year with the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps. As a Team Leader in that program, my team worked on long-term wildfire recovery operations in Paradise, California after the 2018 Camp Fire. Afterwards, my team deployed to Lake Charles, Louisiana after Hurricane Laura and Delta in 2020. Finally, we worked in Seattle, Washington on programs to fight hunger and poverty in the area.
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