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  Sam Kim Miller

Sam Kim Miller

Ph.D. Candidate


Physical & Biological Sciences Division

Mathematics Department

Ph.D. Candidate



Academic website

McHenry Library

McHenry Library

My primary field of study is the modular representation theory of finite groups. In particular, I study questions regarding invertible objects in some suitable category of representation-theoretic objects. Many of these objects are connected to a natural class of representations known as permutation representations.

For my dissertation, I completely classified the invertible objects of a certain representation category, the bounded homotopy category of p-permutation kG-modules. These objects, which I call "endotrivial complexes," are governed by a class of functions known as "Borel-Smith functions" and which show up in unexpected places. This suggests a purely geometric description of these functions which is not yet understood. Endotrivial complexes are also connected to one of the biggest unsolved conjectures in my field, Broue's abelian defect group conjecture.

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