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Social Sciences Division
Anthropology Department
American Studies Department
South Asia Studies
Legal Studies
Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas
319 Social Sciences 1
Social Sciences 1 Faculty Services
B.A., M.A., University of Lucknow
M.A., University of Cambridge
Ph. D., University of Chicago
Triloki Pandey's research centers on tribal cultures in India, Nepal, and the American Southwest. He has done fieldwork among the Zuni, Hopi, and the Navajo of the American Southwest, and more recently among the Tharus of India and Nepal and among the Khasi, Garo, and Naga of the northeastern India. He has focused mainly on politics, religion, life, history, and the impact of literacy. His work also has comparative and historical dimensions.
Native peoples of America, cultures of India, political anthropology, anthropological theories, and comparisons in anthropology.
- "Patterns of Leadership in Western Pueblo Society." In North American Indian Anthropology: Essays on Society and Culture, R. DeMallie and A. Ortiz, eds. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1994.
- Tribes in Indian Society. New York: St. Martin's Press, forthcoming.
- "A Theocracy in Transition: Zuni Politics, 1850-1980." Manuscript
- "Life History of Flora Zuni." In preparation.
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