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Social Sciences Division
Environmental Studies Department
Latin American & Latino Studies
Assistant Professor
Research Professor
Tropical Forest
Interdisciplinary Sciences Building
Monday 10-11:30am
Environmental Studies
B.S. Ecology, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogota, Colombia)
Ph.D. Environmental Science and Policy, Duke University (Durham, United States)
Dr. Ocampo-Peñuela is a conservation ecologist whose research focuses on tropical regions and birds. Her projects span local to global scales and take place in natural, agricultural, and urban landscapes. She uses spatial analytical tools such as geographic information systems (GIS), connecticity modelling, animal tracking, and priority mapping to evaluate antrhopogenic impacts on biodiversity and design better conservation strategies. Most of her work has been done in her native Colombia, where she has contributed to identifying conservation priorities for birds, evaluating extinction risk, and designing multifunctional productive landscapes.
Conservation ecology, bird distributions, animal movement, landscape ecology and connectivity, multifunctional landscapes, bird-window collisions, tropical ecology
ENVS 120 - Conservation Biology (Upper division) - Spring 2022
2020-2021 Colciencias Postdoctoral Fellowship
2018-2020 Co-PI on National Geographic Grant “Mapping Waterbird Migrations in Tropical South America”
2016-2018 ETH Postdoctoral Fellowship
2011-2016 Fulbright-Colciencias PhD scholarship
Peer-reviewed publications
2021 Brown BB, Santos S, Ocampo-Peñuela N. 2021. Bird-window collisions: Mitigation efficacy and risk factors across two years. PeerJ 9:e11867
Bates, A., R. Primack (...), Ocampo-Peñuela, N. (...), C. Duarte. 2021. Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment. Biological Conservation.
Sánchez-Clavijo, L. M., Martínez-Callejas, S. J., Acevedo-Charry, O., Díaz-Pulido A., Gómez-Valencia, B., Ocampo-Peñuela, N., Ocampo, D., Olaya-Rodríguez, M. H., Rey-Velasco J.R., Soto-Vargas, C., & Ochoa-Quintero, J.M. 2021. Differential reporting of biodiversity in two citizen science platforms during COVID-19 lockdown in Colombia. Biological Conservation, 256.
2020 Ocampo-Peñuela, N., J. Garcia-Ulloa, I. Kornecki, C.D. Philipson, & J. Ghazoul. Impacts of four decades of forest loss on vertebrate functional habitat on Borneo. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 3, 53.
2019 Brooks, T.M., S.L. Pimm, R.H. Akçakaya, G.M. Buchanan, S.H.M. Butchart, W. Foden, C. Hilton-Taylor, M. Hoffmann, C.N. Jenkins, L. Joppa, B.V. Li, V. Menon, N. Ocampo-Peñuela, C. Rondini. Measuring terrestrial Area of Habitat (AOH) and its utility for the IUCN Red List. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
2018 Winton, R. S. and Ocampo‐Peñuela, N. How to realize social and conservation benefits from ecotourism in post‐conflict contexts. Biotropica 50(5): 718-722. doi:10.1111/btp.12594.
Ocampo-Peñuela, N., J. Garcia-Ulloa, J. Ghazoul, A. Etter. Quantifying impacts of oil palm expansion on Colombia's threatened biodiversity. Biological Conservation (224): 117-121,
Winton, R.S., Ocampo-Peñuela, N., Cagle, N. Geo-referencing bird-window collisions for targeted mitigation. PeerJ 6:e4215. .
2017 Ocampo-Peñuela N. and R.S. Winton. Economic and conservation potential of birdwatching tourism in post-conflict Colombia. Tropical Conservation Science 10:1-6.
Hager, S, B. Cosentino, (…), N. Ocampo-Peñuela, (…). Continent-wide analysis of how urbanization affects bird-window collision mortality in North America. Biological Conservation 212 (A): 209-215.
Wittig, T. W., N. L. Cagle, N. Ocampo-Peñuela, R. Scott Winton, E. Zambello, and Z. Lichtneger. Species traits and local abundance affect bird-window collision frequency. Avian Conservation and Ecology 12(1):17.
Pimm, S.L., G. Harris, C.N. Jenkins, N. Ocampo-Peñuela, B.V. Li. Unfulfilled promise of data-driven approaches: response to Peterson et al. 2016. Conservation Biology 31 (4): 944-947; DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12928.
2016 Ocampo-Peñuela, N., C.N. Jenkins, V. Vijay, B.V. Li, S.L. Pimm. Incorporating explicit geospatial data shows more species at risk of extinction than the current Red List. Science Advances 2 (11), e1601367. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1601367.
Li, B.V., A.C. Hughes, C.N. Jenkins, N. Ocampo-Peñuela, S.L. Pimm. Remotely sensed data informs Red List evaluations and conservation priorities in Southeast Asia. PLoS ONE 11(8): e0160566. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160566.
Ocampo-Peñuela, N., L. Peñuela-Recio & A. Ocampo-Durán. Decals prevent bird-window collisions at residences: a successful case study from Colombia. Ornitología Colombiana 15: e84-91.
2015 Ocampo-Peñuela, N., R.S. Winton, C. Wu, E. Zambello, T. Wittig & N. Cagle. Patterns of bird-window collisions inform mitigation on a university campus. PeerJ 4:e1652; DOI 10.7717/peerj.1652.
Ocampo-Peñuela, N & S.L. Pimm. Elevational ranges of montane birds and deforestation in the Western Andes of Colombia. PLoS ONE 10(12):e0143311.
Ocampo-Peñuela, N & S.L. Pimm. Bird conservation would complement landslide prevention in the Central Andes of Colombia. PeerJ 3:e779; DOI 10.7717/peerj.779.
2014 Ocampo-Peñuela, N & S.L. Pimm. Setting practical conservation priorities for birds in the Western Andes of Colombia. Conservation Biology 28(5): 1260-1270.
2013 Ocampo-Peñuela, N & A. Etter. Contribution of different forest types to the bird community of a savanna landscape in Colombia. Neotropical Ornithology 24: 35-53.
2012 Farji-Brener, A.G., N. Morueta-Holme, F. Chinchilla, B. Willink, N. Ocampo-Peñuela & G. Bruner. Leaf-cutting ants as road engineers: the width of trails at branching points in Atta cephalotes. Insectes Sociaux: International Journal for the Study of Social Arthropods 59: 389-394.
2010 Agudelo, L., J. Moreno, & N. Ocampo-Peñuela. Colisiones de aves contra ventanales en un campus universitario de Bogotá, Colombia. Ornitología Colombiana 10: 3-10.
Ocampo-Peñuela, N. El fenómeno de la migración en aves: una mirada desde la Orinoquia. Orinoquia 14 (2):188-200.
Castro-Lima, F. & N. Ocampo-Peñuela. Primer registro del Jilguero Cara Amarilla (FRINGILLIDAE: Carduelis yarrellii) en Colombia. Ornitología Colombiana 10: 69-71.
2006 Ocampo-Peñuela, N. Comparación de la avifauna de tres sistemas de producción en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. Rev. Est. Investig. Ecotono Ecol. Bio. Soc. 4: 6-14.
Books and book chapters
2014 Ocampo-Peñuela, N., G.H. Kattan, & G. Cadena. Grallaria alleni, in: Renjifo, L.M., Gomez, M.F., Velasquez-Tibata, J., Amaya-Villareal, A.M., Kattan, G.H., Amaya-Espinel, J.D., & Burbano-Giron, J. 2014. Libro rojo de aves de Colombia, Volumen I: bosques húmedos de los Andes y la costa Pacífica. Editorial Pontifica Universidad Javeriana e Instituto Alexander von Humboldt. Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
Kattan, G.H., G. Cadena, & N. Ocampo-Peñuela. Grallaria milleri, in: Renjifo, L.M., Gomez, M.F., Velasquez-Tibata, J., Amaya-Villareal, A.M., Kattan, G.H., Amaya-Espinel, J.D., & Burbano-Giron, J. 2014. Libro rojo de aves de Colombia, Volumen I: bosques húmedos de los Andes y la costa Pacífica. Editorial Pontifica Universidad Javeriana e Instituto Alexander von Humboldt. Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
Castaño-Hernández, J. & Ocampo-Peñuela, N. Ampelion rufaxilla, in: Renjifo, L.M., Gomez, M.F., Velasquez-Tibata, J., Amaya-Villareal, A.M., Kattan, G.H., Amaya-Espinel, J.D., & Burbano-Giron, J. 2014. Libro rojo de aves de Colombia, Volumen I: bosques húmedos de los Andes y la costa Pacífica. Editorial Pontifica Universidad Javeriana e Instituto Alexander von Humboldt. Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
Ocampo-Peñuela, N. Bucco noanamae, in: Renjifo, L.M., Gomez, M.F., Velasquez-Tibata, J., Amaya-Villareal, A.M., Kattan, G.H., Amaya-Espinel, J.D., & Burbano-Giron, J. 2014. Libro rojo de aves de Colombia, Volumen I: bosques húmedos de los Andes y la costa Pacífica. Editorial Pontifica Universidad Javeriana e Instituto Alexander von Humboldt. Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
2011 Múnera, C., N. Ocampo-Peñuela, J. Castaño, D. Calderón, R. Schiele & I. Macías. Travel Guide for Birdwatching Places in Colombia. Proexport Colombia. 93p.
Peñuela, L., F. Castro & N. Ocampo-Peñuela. Las Reservas Naturales del Nodo Orinoquia en su rol de conservación de la biodiversidad. Fundación Horizonte Verde y Resnatur. Colombia. 104p.
2010 Ocampo-Peñuela, N. Editor. Mecanismos de conservación privada: una opción viable en Colombia. Grupo Colombiano Interinstitucional de Herramientas de Conservación Privada. Bogotá, Colombia. 112p.
Featured in the book “Women and GIS: Mapping their stories” published by ESRI Press in 2019. The book tells the stories on 23 women who use GIS in their discipline in different corners of the globe.
Other publications
2019 Pardo-Vargas, L. & N. Ocampo-Peñuela. Contextualizando el impacto ambiental de la palma de aceite en Colombia. Revista Palmas, 40(3): 79-88.
2017 Ocampo-Peñuela, N. Conservación de aves en los bosques andinos de Colombia. Voices for Biodiversity. Online Magazine.
2016 Ocampo-Peñuela, N. Agua, aves y prevención de derrumbes: tres servicios ecosistémicos, una estrategia. Decision Point en Español Edición 3, University of Queensland.
Ocampo-Peñuela, N. Cuáles aves conservamos primero?. Decision Point en Español Edición 2, University of Queensland.
Ocampo-Peñuela, N. Bird conservation along Colombia's Andean forests. Voices of Biodiversity. Online Magazine.
2015 Ocampo-Peñuela, N. Book review: A walk in the forest. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30 (9): 512.
Ocampo-Peñuela, N. & R.S. Winton. Open Mic: Bird-window collisions and "green" buildings on Duke's campus. American Birding Association Blog.
Ocampo-Peñuela, N. & R.S. Winton. Bird-window collisions: A crash course for Duke University. North Carolina Wildlifer. p 15-17.
2010 Ocampo-Peñuela, N. Contribución de los elementos boscosos del paisaje a la avifauna de un bioma de sabana en San Martín (Meta, Colombia). Thesis Summary. Ornitología Colombiana 9:79.
ENV 120: Conservation Biology (Upper division)
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