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  Nicolas Davidenko

Nicolas Davidenko




Social Sciences Division

Psychology Department



Center for Statistical Analysis in the Social Sciences
Cowell College
Crown College

Regular Faculty

Cognitive Science
Computational Modeling
Mathematical Modeling
Virtual Reality, Immersive, and Augmented Reality Environments


Social Sciences 2

zoom: contact instructor to schedule an appointment

(Winter 2025) Wed., 11 am - 12 pm; Social Sciences 2 Rm 377

Psychology Faculty Services

Ph.D. in Psychology, Stanford University
M.S. in Statistics, Stanford University
A.B. in Mathematics, Harvard University

Face perception and recognition
Modeling cognitive and neural mechanisms of high level visual representation

My research focuses on the cognitive, perceptual, and neural mechanisms by which we represent visual information; specifically, high-level visual information like objects and faces.

A major goal of my research is to understand how we perceive and recognize faces, and how we can use this understanding to advance methods of reconstructing faces from memory. In my lab, we generate parametric stimuli and conduct behavioral experiments and computational modeling to predict human performance.

Psyc 121: Perception
Psyc 139K: Face recognition (senior seminar)
Psyc 139L: Illusions
Psyc 138M: Matlab for Cognitive Science

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