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Humanities Division
History Department
Associate Professor
Center for the Middle East and North Africa (CMENA)
Regular Faculty
North Africa
Middle East Studies
Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
European Studies
Stevenson College Academic Building
Winter 2024: on leave
Stevenson Academic Services
2004-2006: MA in Arab Studies, Georgetown University
2006-2008: MA in Culture and Theory, University of California, Irvine
2008-2015: PhD in History, NYU
2015-2016: Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow, European University Institute
My research interests focus on development, decolonization and race in North Africa. My first book, Markets of Civilization: Islam and Racial Capitalism in Algeria will be published with Duke University Press in 2022. I am currently working on the history of the social sciences and decolonization, with a particular focus on the discipline of sociology.
Markets of Civilization: Racial Capitalism and Islam in Algeria, Duke University Press.
Co-editor of North Africa and the Making of Europe: Governance, Institution and Culture. Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2018.
Selected Recent Articles:
“Histoire et capitalisme racial :un entretien," Marronnages, Vol. 3, No. 1, Winter 2024.
“Frantz Fanon the Sociologist? Algeria, Tunisia and the Making of a Discipline," POMEPS Studies 53, Fall 2024.
"Race and Decolonization in North Africa," Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, Spring 2023.
“‘Algiers and the Algerian Desert: Decolonization and Territorial Planning in France, 1958-1962,” Journal of Modern History, Fall 2023.
Recent Media Appearances/Writings:
LARB, “The US Academy and the Provincialization of Frantz Fanon,” 2023.
Al-Jazeera Plus, “What you Don’t Hear about France’s Muslims,” 22 April 2022.
HIS 154: Postcolonial North Africa
HIS 156B: Modern Arab Thought
HIS 194W: Social Movements in the Middle East
HIS 184B: Race and Anti-Racism in Europe
HIS 170C: From the Trenches to the Casbah: France and its Empire in the 20th Century
HIS 252: Republicanism and its Discontents
HIS 262: The Contours of the New Middle East History
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