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Social Sciences Division
Anthropology Department
Feminist Studies Department
Film and Digital Media Department
Legal Studies
Global & Community Health
Regular Faculty
Social Sciences 1
Anthropology Faculty Services
Social Sciences 1 Faculty Services
Megan Moodie (B.A. Skidmore College 1998; Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz, 2006) is Associate Professor of Anthropology.
feminist theory, disability justice, medical anthropology, creative ethnographic methods
Geographical Areas: South Asia, East Europe, and the United States
Languages: Hindi, Romanian, Spanish
Popular media publications:
Principal Investigator, UC Humanities Research Institute Residential Research Cluster: "How We Make It: Disability Justice for the Long Haul," UC Irvine, Spring 2022
We Were Adivasis: Aspiration in an Indian Scheduled Tribe. South Asia Across the Disciplines Series. University of Chicago Press. 2015.
""The Eye, The Finger, and the Foot": Methodological Sententiae for Embodied Research Creation." Feminist Studies 48.1 (2022): 287-314.
"Disruption at the Center: Disability Anthropology and Black Feminist Research-Creation." Fieldsights. 6 Sept 2022.
"Unrest: Gender, chronic illness, and the limits of documentary visibility." Film Quarterly 71.4 (2018): 9-15.
"Microfinance and the gender of risk: The case of Kiva. org." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 38.2 (2013): 279-302.
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