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Physical & Biological Sciences Division
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
CSC Coastal Biology Building
CBB 239 / 243
CBB/EE Biology
I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Alonzo, Palkovacs, and Garza labs at UCSC. My research questions focus on understanding the evolutionary origins, maintenance, and consequences of variation among individuals within a species. Specifically, I’m interested in variation between males and females and among alternative reproductive tactics. I address these questions using salmon and trout as a study system. Before beginning my postdoc, I earned my PhD with Ryan Calsbeek at Dartmouth College in the Graduate Program on Ecology, Evolution, Environment, and Society, and my MS with Dave Beauchamp at the University of Washington School of Aquatic and Fisheries Science.
Sexual Conflict and Alternative Reproductive Tactics
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