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  Miriam Greenberg

Miriam Greenberg


831-459-3516 (msg)


Social Sciences Division

Sociology Department
Center for Critical Urban and Environmental Studies



Regular Faculty

Urban studies
Cultural Studies
Environmental Studies

Rachel Carson College Academic Building

Rachel Carson College Faculty Services

Urban sociology, geography, urban environmental studies, urban political ecology, disaster and crisis, sustainability studies, housing, media and cultural studies, social movements, social theory, and the social, cultural, and environmental history of New York City, Buenos Aires, and California.

2017  The City is the Factory: New Solidarities and Spatial Strategies in an Urban Age. Cornell University Press.

2014. Crisis Cities: Disaster and Redevelopment in New York and New Orleans. Oxford University Press. Co-authored with Kevin Fox Gotham.

2008. Branding New York: How a City in Crisis was Sold to the World. Routledge. 


SOCY 105A Classical Sociological Theory
SOCY 177 Urban Sociology
SOCY 177E Eco-Metropolis
SOCY 260 Culture, Knowledge, Power
SOCY 201 The Making of Classical Theory

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