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Physical & Biological Sciences Division
Institute of Marine Sciences
IMS-Fisheries Collaborative Program
Assistant Researcher
Long Marine Lab Ocean Health Building
NMFS, 110 McAllister Road, Long Marine Lab
University of California, Davis, California
Ph.D., Epidemiology, 2016
Dissertation title: Protozoal fecal pathogen epidemiology in rural India: human and animal health, water body contamination, and routes of transmission. Advisor: Dr. Woutrina A. Smith
California State University, Monterey Bay, California
M.S., Coastal and Watershed Science and Policy, 2014
Thesis title: Estimating environmental conditions affecting protozoal pathogen removal in surface water wetland systems using a multi-scale, model-based approach. Advisor: Dr. Fred G. Watson
California State University, Monterey Bay, California
B.S., Earth Systems Science and Policy, 2007
* cum laude with mark of distinction in major
Dr. Daniels is a Assistant Researcher with the University of California, Santa Cruz and affiliate of NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center specializing in environmental and epidemiological modeling of aquatic systems. As an Epidemiologist and Watershed Scientist, Dr. Daniels combines field and laboratory research, data analysis, and simulation modeling to better understand how environmental conditions impact population health and dynamics. Over his career, Dr. Daniels has applied interdisciplinary skills to investigate a range of research questions, all with a link between water and health. Examples of research include: identifying fate and transport processes associated with the removal of waterborne pathogens in aquatic systems; developing a better understanding of the connection between drinking water, recreational water, and sanitation in rural India; and studying water temperature and salmon pathogen dynamics in the central valley of California to better understand how management actions can impact thermal and hydraulic regimes of waterways and their aquatic ecology.
Investigating water quality and quantity issues. Simulation modeling to understand physical processes in aquatic systems in relation to population health and dynamics with an emphasis on environmental exposures. Bayesian, information theoretic (AIC model comparison), and Frequentist statistics. Waterborne and zoonotic disease. Landscape epidemiology and connections between health and the environment over space and time. Ecosystem services. Design and implementation of observational and experimental studies. Applied and interdisciplinary research. Computer programing. Linking science to policy. In-situ collected and remotely sensed data. Sustainable resource management for public and environmental health.
State Water Resources Control Board (P-I) (2021-2023, $1,740k)
California Department of Water Resources (P-I) (2022-2024, $74k)
California Department and Fish and Wildlife, (P-I) (2020-2023, $988k)
NOAA, Unmanned Areas System Program (Co-I) (2018, $116k)
NOAA, 2017 Team Member of the Year
Student Award at Northern California Parasitologist meeting (2014, $1,000)
NOAA California Sea Grant Traineeship (2008 – 2011, $130k)
Student Award for Marine Science Research from the Council (2011, $1,500) on Ocean Affairs, Science, and Technology
First place in Biological and Agricultural Science category at (2008, $1,000) the California State University Student Research Competition
Michel, C.J., Daniels, M.E. and Danner, E.M., 2023. Discharge‐mediated temperature management in a large, regulated river, with implications for management of endangered fish. Water Resources Research, p.e2023WR035077.
Abdelrazek, S.M., Connon, R.E., Sanchez, C., Atencio, B., Mauduit, F., Lehman, B., Hallett, S.L., Atkinson, S.D., Foott, J.S. and Daniels, M.E., 2023. Responses to pathogen exposure in sentinel juvenile fall-run Chinook salmon in the Sacramento River, CA. Conservation Physiology, 11(1), p.coad066.
Daniels, M.E., Pradhan, A., Odagiri, M. and Jenkins, M.W., 2023. Waterborne exposure during non-consumptive domestic use of surface water: a population study across WASH service levels in rural India. Journal of Water and Health.
Aura CM, Roegner A, Owiti H, Birungi D, Fiorella KJ, Corman J, Kayanda R, Mbullo P, Nyamweya CS, Mchau G, and Daniels ME, 2022. Mind the gaps for the best practices: Enhancing the management of Lake Victoria fisheries resources. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management, 27(3), p.e12411.
Hassrick JL, Ammann AJ, Perry RW, John SN, and Daniels ME, 2022. Factors Affecting Spatiotemporal Variation in Survival of Endangered Winter-Run Chinook Salmon Out-migrating from the Sacramento River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42(2).
Dudley PN, John SN, Daniels ME, and Danner EM, 2021. Using decades of spawning data and hydraulic models to construct a temperature-dependent resource selection function for management of an endangered salmonid. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 79(1).
Bond RM, Kiernan JD, Osterback AK, Kern CH, Hay AE, Meko JM, Daniels ME, and Perez JM, 2021. Spatiotemporal Variability in Environmental Conditions Influences the Performance and Behavior of Juvenile Steelhead in a Coastal California Lagoon. Estuaries and Coasts 1-17.
Cordoleani F, Satterthwaite WH, Daniels ME, and Johnson MR, 2020. Using Life Cycle Models to Identify Monitoring Gaps for Central Valley Spring-Run Chinook Salmon. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, 18(4).
Daniels ME, Danner EM, 2020. The Drivers of River Temperature Below a Large Dam. Water Resources, 56(5).
Roegner AF, Daniels ME, Smith WA, Liu J, Schwartz L, Gottdenker N, Campbell A, Fiorello CV, 2019. Giardia Infection and Trypanosoma Cruzi Exposure in Dogs in the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve, Nicaragua. EcoHealth, 12(3).
Zari LJ, Danner EM, Daniels ME, Palkovacs EP, 2019. Managing hydropower dam releases for water users and imperiled fishes with contrasting thermal habitat requirements. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56: 2423-2430.
Daniels ME, Smith WA, Jenkins MW, 2018. Estimating Cryptosporidium and Giardia Disease Burdens for Children Drinking Untreated Groundwater in a Rural Population in India.PLoS, Neglecgted Tropical Diseases, 12 (1).
Daniels ME, Sridharan VK, John SN, Danner EM, 2018, Calibration and Validation of Linked Water Temperature Models for the Shasta Reservoir and the Sacramento River from 2000-2015. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SWFSC-597.
Daniels ME, Smith WA, Schmidt WP, Clasen T, Jenkins MW, 2016. Modeling Cryptosporidium and Giardia in Ground and Surface Water Sources in Rural India: Associatuons with Latrines, Livestock, Damaged Wells, and Rainfall Patters. Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (14): 7498-7507.
Daniels ME, Smith WA, Schmidt WP, Clasen T, Jenkins MW, 2016. Correlates of Cryptosporidum spp and Giardia spp contamination in improved drinking water sources in rural India: Implications for universal access to improved sanitation and safe water. The Lancet, Global Health Special Issue, (4): S12.
Odagiri M, Schriewer A, Daniels ME, Wuertz S, Smith WA, Clasen T, Schmidt WP, Torondel B, Boisson F, Misra PR, Panigrahi P, Jenkins MW, 2016. Human fecal and pathogen exposure pathways in rural Indian villages and the effect of increased latrine coverage, Water Research, (100): 232-244.
Daniels ME, Shrivastava A, Smith WA, Sahu P, Odagiri M, Misra PR, Panigrahi P, Suar M, Clasen T, Jenkins MW, 2015. Cryptosporidium and Giardia in humans, domestic animals, and village water sources in rural India. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, (93): 596-600.
Daniels ME, Hogan JN, Smith WA, Oates SC, Miller MA, Hardin D, Shapiro K, Los Huertos M, Conrad PA, Dominik C, Watson FG, 2014. Estimating environmental conditions affecting protozoal pathogen removal in surface water wetland systems using a multi-scale, model-based approach. Science of the Total Environment, (493): 1036-1046.
Hogan JN, Daniels ME, Watson FG, Oates SC, Miller MA, Conrad PA, Shapiro K, Hardin D, Dominik C, Melli A, Jessup DA, Miller WA, 2013. Hydrologic and vegetative removal of Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia, and Toxoplasma gondii surrogates microspheres in coastal wetlands. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, (79): 1859-1865.
Hogan JN, Daniels ME, Watson FG, Conrad PA, Oates SC, Miller MA, Hardin D, Byrne BA, Dominik C, Melli A, Jessup DA, Miller WA, 2012. Longitudinal Poisson regression to evaluate the epidemiology of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and fecal indicator bacteria in coastal California wetlands. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, (78): 3606-3613.
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