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Lauren Corlies

Public Education Manager



Physical & Biological Sciences Division

UC Observatories

Public Education Manager


Interdisciplinary Sciences Building

UCO / Lick Observatory

Lauren is a Philadelphia native who received her BA in Physics from the University of Pennsylvania. She then went on to receive her PhD in Astronomy from Columbia University. After a postdoc at Johns Hopkins University, she moved to a career focusing on education and public outreach. 

Dr. Lauren Corlies is the Public Education Manager at Lick Observatory. Her position focuses on sharing astronomy with the public through creating and managing programming both at the observatory and in the local communities. 


She is bringing experience from working at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, the first planetarium in the Western Hemisphere, and as the Head of Education & Public Outreach at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, a new facility being constructed in Cerro Pachón, Chile. 

Dr. Corlies' research interests lie in better understanding the circiumgalactic medium - how gas flows into and out of galaxies and the effects these flows have on galaxy formation and evolution. As a member of the FOGGIE collaboration, she uses high-resolution cosmological simulations to examine the CGM and make predictions for upcoming instrumentation. She is also a part of the science team of Aspera, an upcoming NASA SmallSat mapping the CGM of nearby galaxies in emission. 

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