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  Kiva Silver

Kiva Silver

Senior Continuing Lecturer


Humanities Division

Stevenson College
History Department
Writing Program

Senior Continuing Lecturer



European Studies

Stevenson College Academic Building

Office Hours for Winter '25: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:30-4:45pm

Stevenson Academic Services

Kiva Silver graduated with honors from UCSD in 1999 after completing a BA degree in history.  After earning his M.Phil in Economic and Social HIstory and a D.Phil in European History from Cambridge University in 2004, Kiva Silver completed a master's degree in Sociology at UCSC in 2006. He is currently a continuing lecturer in the History Department, the Writing Program, and Stevenson College at UCSC.   

Modern European History
French History
Nation-state Development & Nationalism
Immigration & Integration in Europe
Rhetoric and Composition

Nations and Nationalism
Early Modern and Modern European History
French History
Rhetoric and Composition (Writing 2)

Excellence in Teaching Award, Writing Program, UCSC, 2017


  • "Building Communities: Immigration, Occupation and the Boundaries of Limousin Solidarity in Nineteenth-Century Paris," French Historical Studies, vol. 35, no. 1 (Winter, 2012): 61-92.
  • "The Peasants of Paris: Limousin Migrant Masons in the Nineteenth-Century," French History, 2014

HIS 105: Nations & Nationalism (Spring, 2023)
HIS 196K: Topics in European Intellectual History
HIS 70A: Modern European History, 1500-1815 (Fall, 2022)
HIS 178B: 19th-century European Intellectual History
HIS 170A: Old Regime France and the French Revolution (Winter, 2023)
HIS 196I: French Revolution
Writing 2: The Art of Living (Spring, 2023)
College 1, Stevenson (Fall, 2022)
STEV 43 (College Scholars Program): Contemporary Nationalism (Winter, 2023)

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