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  Karolina Karlic

Karolina Karlic

Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies Environmental Art + Social Practice MFA Program



Arts Division

Art Department

Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies Environmental Art + Social Practice MFA Program
Faculty Director Art + Science Initiatives, Kenneth S. Norris Center for Natural History
Founding Director, Unseen California


Kenneth S Norris Center for Natural History
Environmental Studies Department
Film and Digital Media Department

Regular Faculty

Art Photography/Photography as Critical Practice
Environmental Art
Climate Change
Social Documentation
Visual Arts

Digital Arts Research Center
DARC # 239

email to set up appointment

Art Department

Through a range of photographic media Karlic creates work that addresses the intersection of photography and documentary practices, with a focus on systems of labor and industry, globalization, and their impact on the social and environmental landscapes. Karlic has been the recipient of numerous fellowships, residencies, and awards, including the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship. 


Her research is dedicated to telling the stories of those persons and ecologies who have been affected by the post-modernization of the industrial world. In her research, Rubberlands, a photographic survey that maps the ways natural rubber manufacturing is socially, ecologically and systemically formed, Karlic proposes that rubber + photography are both integral components of the second phase of the industrial revolution. This research proposes that each are equal players in the development of a globalized contemporary mobile society of making and consuming. 


Karlic is the founding director of Unseen California, the Director of Graduate Studies Environmental Art + Social Practice MFA Program and the Faculty Director of Art + Science initiatives at the Kenneth S. Norris Center for Natural History at UCSC. 

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