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  Karen D Holl

Karen D Holl

Distinguished Professor


831-459-4015 (Fax)


she, her, her, hers, herself

Social Sciences Division

Environmental Studies Department

Distinguished Professor


Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department
Latin American & Latino Studies
Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas

Regular Faculty

Plant Sciences
Natural History
Natural Resource Management
Land Management
Restoration Ecology

Nat Sci 2 Main Building
Rm 457

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Environmental Studies

B.S. Biology with distinction, Stanford University 

Ph.D. Biology, Virginia Polytechnic and State University

DOE Distinguished Global Change Post-Doctoral Fellow, Stanford University


Restoration Ecology, tropical ecology, grassland ecology

2017 – 2022 Griswold Endowed Chair UC Santa Cruz (rotating)

2020 Martin Chemers Award for Outstanding Research, Social Sciences Division, UC Santa Cruz

2017 Co-winner of the Theodore Sperry Award for innovative restoration research, Society for Ecological Restoration.

2016 Elected Fellow of the California Academy of Sciences

2008 Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellow

2002 – 2008 Pepper-Giberson Endowed Chair UC Santa Cruz (rotating)

Holl KD. 2020. Primer of Ecological Restoration. Island Press, Washington, DC.

Holl KD, JL Reid, RJ Cole, F Oviedo-Brenes, JA Rosales, and RA Zahawi. 2020. Applied nucleation facilitates tropical forest recovery: Lessons learned from a 15-year study. Journal of Applied Ecology 57: 2349-2361.

Holl KD and PHS Brancalion. 2020. Tree planting is not a simple solution. Science 368:580-581.

Brancalion PHS. and KD Holl. 2020. Guidance for successful tree planting initiatives. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:2316-2328

Brancalion PHS, P Meli, JRC Tymus, FEB Lenti, RM Benini, APM Silva, I Isernhagen, and KD Holl. 2019. What makes ecosystem restoration expensive? A systematic cost assessment of projects in Brazil. Biological Conservation 240:108274.

Calle A, and KD Holl. 2019. Riparian forest recovery following a decade of cattle exclusion in the Colombian Andes. Forest Ecology and Management 452:117563.

Holl KD, JL Reid, F Oviedo-Brenes, AJ Kulikowski, and RA Zahawi. 2018. Rules of thumb for predicting tropical forest recovery. Applied Vegetation Science 21:669-677.

Jones HP, PC Jones, EB Barbier, RC Blackburn, JM Rey Benayas, KD Holl, M McCrackin, P Meli, D Montoya, and D Moreno-Mateos. 2018. Restoration and repair of Earth's damaged ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285:20172577

Holl KD, JL Reid, JM Chaves-Fallas, F Oviedo-Brenes, and RA Zahawi. 2017. Local tropical forest restoration strategies affect tree recruitment more strongly than does landscape forest cover. Journal of Applied Ecology 54:1091-1099.

Holl KD. 2017. Restoring tropical forests from the bottom up. Science 355:455-456.

Holl KD. 2017. Research directions in tropical forest restoration. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 102:237-250

Holl KD and RA Zahawi. 2014. Factors explaining variability in woody above-ground biomass accumulation in restored tropical forest. Forest Ecology & Management 319:36-43.

Holl KD, VM Stout, JL Reid and RA Zahawi. 2013. Testing heterogeneity-diversity relationships in tropical forest restoration. Oecologia 173:569–578.

Reid JL and KD Holl. 2013. Arrival ≠ survival. Restoration Ecology 21:153-155.

Corbin JD, and KD Holl. 2012. Applied nucleation as a forest restoration strategy. Forest Ecology and Management 265:37-46.

Holl KD RA Zahawi, RJ Cole, R Ostertag, and S Cordell. 2011. Planting seedlings in tree islands versus plantations as a large-scale tropical forest restoration strategy. Restoration Ecology 19:470-479.

Hayes GF and KD Holl. 2011. Manipulating disturbance regimes and seeding to restore mesic Mediterranean grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science 14:304-315

Holl KD and TM Aide. 2011. When and where to actively restore ecosystems? Forest

      Ecology & Management 261:1588-1563.

McClain CD, KD Holl, and DM Wood. 2011. Successional models as guides for restoration of riparian forest understory. Restoration Ecology 19:280-289.

Holl KD, and GF Hayes. 2006. Challenges to introducing and managing disturbance regimes for Holocarpha macradenia, an endangered annual grassland forb. Conservation Biology 20:1121-1131.

Holl KD and EE Crone. 2004. Local vs. landscape factors affecting restoration of riparian

      understorey plants. Journal of Applied Ecology 41:922-933.

Holl KD, EE Crone, and CB Schultz. 2003. Landscape restoration: Moving from generalities to methodologies. Bioscience 53:491-502.

Holl KD. 2002. Effect of shrubs on tree seedling establishment in abandoned tropical pasture. Journal of Ecology 90:179-187.

Holl KD. 2002. Long-term vegetation recovery on reclaimed coal surface mines in the eastern USA. Journal of Applied Ecology 39:960-970.

Holl KD, ME Loik, EHV Lin, and IA Samuels. 2000. Tropical montane forest restoration in Costa Rica: Overcoming barriers to dispersal and establishment. Restoration Ecology 8:339-349.

Holl KD and RD Howarth. 2000. Paying for restoration. Restoration Ecology 8:260-267

Holl KD. 1999. Factors limiting tropical moist forest regeneration in agricultural land: seed rain, seed germination, microclimate and soil. Biotropica 31:229-242.

Holl KD. 1998. Do bird perching structures elevate seed rain and seedling establishment in abandoned tropical pasture? Restoration Ecology 6:253-261.

Holl KD. 1996. The effect of coal surface mine reclamation on diurnal lepidopteran conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology 33:225-236.

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