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Kimberly Adilia Helmer
Teaching Professor (Senate Faculty)
831-459-4686 (Office)
805-320-0875 (Mobile)
Humanities Division
Writing Program
Stevenson College
Teaching Professor (Senate Faculty)
Stevenson College
Oakes College
Academic Senate
Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas
Regular Faculty
Teacher Education
Bilingualism, Multilingualism
Stevenson College Academic Building
Stevenson 270
Stevenson 270
Wednesday, 4:00-5:00 (Fall, Winter, Spring); directly after classes (one hour) & weekly required conferences; WeChat 24/7
Stevenson College
Kimberly Adilia Helmer holds an MA TESOL from the Monterey Institute of International Studies and a Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching from the University of Arizona. She is the recipient of two distinguished teaching prizes from the University of Arizona and John Jay College, CUNY.
linguistic and educational anthropology, applied linguistics, multilingual literacy development, and instructional technology
Spanish heritage language acquisition and pedagogy, English for Academic Purposes, Latin@ academic achievement, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE, Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT), John Jay College, The City University of New York, 2013-2014
DISTINGUISHED TEACHING PRIZE, John Jay College, The City University of New York, 2011
University of Arizona, 2006
TILLY WARNOCK FELLOWSHIP, Department of English, University of Arizona, 2006
PSC CUNY GRANT (TRADITIONAL B), The City University of New York, 2014 ($3,990)
PSC CUNY GRANT (TRADITIONAL B), The City University of New York, 2013 ($3,990)
PSC CUNY GRANT (TRADITIONAL B), The City University of New York, 2012 ($3,990)
PSC CUNY GRANT, The City University of New York, 2009 ($4,500)
- ‘It’s not real, it’s just Spanish class”: Understanding Spanish heritage language student resistance in a borderlands charter high school. Heritage Language Journal, 11(3), 186-206. (2014)
- Interdisciplinary connections and academic performance in psychology-English learning communities. Teaching of Psychology, 41(1), 57-62. (2014)
- A twice-told tale: Identity and resistance in a borderlands Spanish heritage language class. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 44(3), 270-286. (2013)
- Critical English for academic purposes: Building on learner, teacher, and program strengths. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 12 (4), 273-287. (2013)
- ‘Proper’ Spanish is a waster of time”: Mexican-origin student resistance to learning Spanish as a heritage language. In L. Scherff & K. Spector (Eds.), Culturally relevant pedagogy: Clashes and confrontations (pp. 135-163). New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. (2012)
Stevenson Core Course
Writing 1E
Writing 25, "Writing about Place"; Writing 26 "Writing about Language"
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