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Arts Division
Arts Division
Department of Performance, Play & Design (PPD)
Porter College
Artsbridge Director
Pavel Machotka Chair
South Asia Studies
Regular Faculty
Asian Music
Asian Studies
Direction (Theater)
South Asian Studies
Popular Culture
Theater Arts Center J15
Theater Arts Center
Kathy Foley is a professor of Theatre Arts and editor of Asian Theatre Journal with expertise in Asian theatre, performance, masks, puppetry and object theatre. She curates exhibitions of Asian masks and puppets. Performs Sundanese Wayang Golek internationally and has taught at Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok), Yonsei University (Seoul), University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur), and University of Hawai'i (Manoa), as well as UCSC. She serves on the board of UNIMA (Union International de la Marrionette)-USA and the research and publication commissions of UNIMA-international. She does research on interfaces of Islam and the performing arts with attention to Southeast Asia, Shakespeare in non-western performance, and other topics. She performs Sundanese Wayang Golek nationally and internationally. Directing and devised performances are part of her creative work. Recent grants include Asian Cultural Council, World Wood Foundation, Fulbright Senior Scholar Grant (Malaysia), and Institute of Sacred Music (Yale University). Recent and upcoming exhibits focus on Islam and instangible cultural heritage in Malaysia, Thai traditional performance in transition, and Indian puppetry.
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