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Baskin School of Engineering
Baskin School of Engineering
MESA Academic Counselor
Jack Baskin Engineering Building
MESA Study Center
JBE 399A
Jennifer provides support, advocacy, and resources to students in engineering via the MESA University Program. Jennifer brings a range of professional experiences to her work at UCSC and in her 18 year career in higher education: supervisor of student tutors, coordinator of accommodations for students with disabilities, Multi-Cultural Center advisory council chair, student employment coordinator, and student equity program coordinator.
Jennifer is passionate about education, and knows a lot about the development of humans while they attend college. She builds and encourages brave spaces where students can explore issues of identity, community, and justice. She does her best work when connecting in relationship with students, faculty, and staff.
Jennifer is a third-generation UC student. She started out in STEM, but switched majors when she realized her talents were in psychology instead of kinesiology. She studied hard and wrote a ton of papers to earn her BA in psychology at UC Davis, working with Professor Robert Emmons on his gratitude research. She also worked her butt off to earn an MS in Counselor Education - Community emphasis at CSU Sacramento. As a graduate student, she collaborated with a number of community agencies to provide: individual and group counseling to those with dual diagnoses (addictions and mental health), court-ordered counseling to teenagers, and grief counseling to all ages.
To truly understand Jennifer, however, you should know that she is a voracious reader, can be bribed with doughnuts and coffee, and enjoys impromptu dance parties to Michael Jackson's music.
Student services, psychology, counseling, disabilities, social justice, student development, student employment, career counseling
Jennifer has received the following honors/awards:
EOP Champion Award, sponsored by EOP.
Staff Achievement and Recognition (STAR) Award, sponsored by Baskin School of Engineering
Cabrillo College:
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Honoree (student-nominated), sponsored by Alpha Gamma Sigma organization
Outstanding Service in Retention Award, sponsored by Graduation Initiative Steering Committee
Women of Influence Honoree, sponsored by Housing and Residence Life
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