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Judith A Habicht Mauche
Professor Emeritus
she, her, her, hers, herself
Social Sciences Division
Anthropology Department
Crown College
Professor Emeritus
Crown College
Archaeological Research Center
Indigenous Peoples
Material Science
UCSC Ceramic Materials Research Laboratory
Arroyo Hondo Pueblo Project
Archaeological Research Center
Remote work location
79 Arroyo Hondo Road, Santa Fe, NM 87508
No Mailstop
Professor Judith Habicht Mauche's research interests include the organization of production and exchange, ethnicity and gender, and the nature of power and social organization in middle range societies in the American Southwest and Southern Plains. Her background includes training in pre-contact and post-contact period archaeology in the Americas, ethnohistory and museum studies.
She is an expert in the archaeological application of mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic techniques for sourcing artifacts and reconstructing ancient trade routes, with a specialization in ceramic analysis. She is a sought-after mentor for training in advanced ceramic materials analysis. In 2009 she received the "Award for Excellence in Archaeological Analysis" from the Society for American Archaeology in recognition of her contributions to the study of archaeological ceramics.
She earned her B.A. in Anthropology, with a focus in historic archaeology, from the College of William and Mary, and her Ph.D. in Anthropology from Harvard University. She also completed an intensive training course in ceramic materials analysis at the Center for Materials Research in Archaeology and Ethnography (CMRAE) at MIT. She has done archaeological fieldwork on historical sites in Virginia and pre-contact and early contact period sites in New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
Her doctoral research on protohistoric interaction between Pueblo farmers and bison-hunters of the Southern Plains won the Plains Anthropological Society Student Paper Competition and was awarded the first Society for American Archaeology Dissertation Prize. Publications based on this research have appeared in Plains Anthropologist and several edited volumes on inter-regional trade and interaction and gender studies in archaeology.
In 1993, she published The Pottery of Arroyo Hondo: Tribalization and Trade in the Northern Rio Grande, based on three years of archaeological research at the School of American Research in Santa Fe. Her more recent work has focused on the organization of production and exchange of glaze-painted pottery from the northern Rio Grande region. A poster based on this research was awarded the Outstanding Poster Award (Professional Category) at the 1997 Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology. Two recent co-edited volumes, The Social Life of Pots: Glaze Wares and Cultural Dynamics in the Southwest, A.D. 1250-1650 and Potters and Communities of Practice: Glaze Paint and Polychrome Pottery in the American Southwest, A.D. 1250 to 1700 highlight her own research and that of other emerging scholars in this field.
Professor Habicht Mauche is currently writing up her NSF-funded research on the pottery from Tijeras Pueblo, New Mexico. This research focused on the origins of glaze-paint technology in the Rio Grande Valley and its implications for understanding processes of migration and community formation during the late precontact period in the American Southwest. In 2015, she was awarded a collaborative research grant from NSF, with Dr. Andrew I. Duff at Washington State University, to analyze glaze paints on polychrome pottery in the Upper Little Colorado and Western Zuni areas. This work contributes to broader studies of regional networks of migration and exchange during the Late Precontact Period in the American Southwest.
Ceramic materials analysis, the archaeology and ethnohistory of the American Southwest and Southern Plains.
Material culture and technology, culture contact, social networks, identity and gender, indigenous responses to colonialism, practice theory in archaeology.
North American archaeology and ethnohistory, colonial encounters in the Americas, ceramic analysis, anthropology of technology and materiality, archaeological method and theory.
2015 National Science Foundation Grant, "Tracing Pueblo IV Social Networks through Glaze-Paint Communities of Practice in the Upper Little Colorado and Western Zuni Regions of the American Southwest" with Andrew Duff (WSU) 2009 Award for Excellence in Archaeological Analysis, Society for American Archaeology
2009 National Science Foundation (ARRA) Grant, "The Origin and Spread of Glaze-Painted Pottery as Seen from Tijeras Pueblo, New Mexico."
2006 Wenner-Gren Foundation, "Historic Archaeology of a Spanish Colonial Buffer Settlement in Northern New Mexico." Dissertation Fieldwork Research Grant, with Kojun Ueno Sunseri.
2006 National Science Foundation, "Ceramic Production, Communities of Practice, and Identity: An Examination of Culture Contact in Spanish California." Dissertation Improvement Grant, with Sarah Ginn.
1997 Outstanding Poster Award, Professional Category, Society for American Archaeology
1988 Dissertation Prize, Society for American Archaeology
1986 Plains Anthropological Society Student Paper Award
2022 Linda Cordell and the Tijeras Pueblo Ceramics Project. In Linda Cordell: A Gift for
Detail, Passion, and Innovation in Archaeology, and Beyond, edited by M. McBrinn and
D. Huntley. Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe, in press.
- 2021 Coalescence and the Spread of Glaze Painted Pottery in the Central Rio Grande: The
View From Tijeras Pueblo, NM. American Antiquity 86 (4). [Co-authored by Suzanne L. Eckert]
- 2012 Potters and Communities of Practice: Glaze Paint and Polychrome Pottery in the American Southwest, A.D. 1250 to 1700. Anthropological Papers, University of Arizona Press Tucson, AZ [co-edited with Linda S. Cordell]
- 2006 The Social Life of Pots: Glaze Wares and Cultural Dynamics in the Southwest, A.D.1250-1680 University of Arizona Press, Tucson [co-edited with S.L. Eckert and D.L. Huntley]
1993 The Pottery from Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, New Mexico: Tribalization and Trade in the
Northern Rio Grande. Arroyo Hondo Archaeological Series, vol. 8, D.W. Schwartz,
general editor. SAR Press, Santa Fe.
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