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Humanities Division
Philosophy Department
Associate Professor
Classical Studies
Regular Faculty
History of Philosophy
Ancient World / Classics
Classical Studies
Cowell College Faculty Office Addition
Cowell Academic Services
Ph.D. Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin
M.A. Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin
M.A. General Studies in the Humanities, University of Chicago
M.B.A. Finance and International Business, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
B.A. English Literature, University of Chicago
Ancient philosophy, esp. ancient science and metaphysics, and contemporary analytic metaphysics
- "Chrysippus' Puzzle About Identity," Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 24, May 2003, 239-251.
- "Aristotelian Infinity," Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 32, May 2007, 233-250.
- “Aristotle on Identity and Persistence,” Apeiron, vol. 41, no. 1, March 2008, 63-88.
- "Aristotle on the Order and Direction of Time," Apeiron, vol. 42, no. 1, March 2009, 49-78.
- "Aristotle on the Unity of Change: Five Reductio Arguments in Physics viii 8," Ancient Philosophy, vol. 30, no. 2, December 2010, 319-345.
- "Aristotle on Various Types of Alteration in De Anima II 5," Phronesis, Vol. 56, No. 2, May 2011, 138-161.
- "Aristotle on 'First Transitions' in De Anima II 5," Apeiron, vol. 45, no. 3, July 2012, 262-282.
- “De Anima ii 5 on the Activation of The Senses,” Ancient Philosophy, vol. 32, no. 1, June 2012, 87-104.
- "Aristotle on the Perception and Cognition of Time", in History of Philosophy of Mind: Pre-Socratics to Augustine, Routledge 2017.
- "Aristotle’s Physics 5.1, 225a1-b5", Philosophical Inquiry Vol. 43, 2019.
- “Aristotle's Virtue Ethics" in A Companion to World Literature, Wiley 2017.
PHIL 9: Introductory Symbolic Logic
PHIL 100A: Ancient Greek Philosophy
PHIL 116: Logic, Sets and Functions
PHIL 118: Stoic Ethics
PHIL 122: Metaphysics
PHIL 190: Topics in Ancient Greek Philosophy
PHIL 202: Topics in Ancient Greek Philosophy
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