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Angie Hinrichs

Bioinformatics Programmer 5



Baskin School of Engineering

Genomics Institute

Bioinformatics Programmer 5


Other Staff

UC Santa Cruz Westside Research Park
n/a (telecommute from Davis, CA)

Genomics Institute

I have been working on the UCSC Genome Browser since 2002.  It's a fun mix of programming in C and Javascript, transforming data files using various scripting languages, and helping to answer questions about our software and data from scientists all over the world.  Since 2003 I have been telecommuting full time from Davis, CA.  In 2020 I shifted to spending most of my time on phylogenetics of SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens.  Since 2021 I have maintained the UShER tree of essentially all full size, high quality SARS-CoV-2 genomes, searchable via

Before UCSC, I did logic design for ASICs in Verilog RTL, for video encoding and networking chips at several Silicon Valley companies.  Before that (1995) I completed MIT's 6A combined Bachelor's/Master's/internship program with Xerox PARC.

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