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  Phillip L Hammack

Phillip L Hammack



831-459-3519 (Fax)


he, him, his, his, himself

Social Sciences Division

Psychology Department
Stevenson College
John R. Lewis College



John R. Lewis College
Stevenson College
Queer and Sexualities Studies

Regular Faculty

Queer Studies
Social Justice
Social Psychology

Social Sciences 2

Mondays, 1:30-2:30pm (excludes holidays, finals week, and university breaks)

Psychology Faculty Services

PhD, University of Chicago
MA, Loyola University, Chicago
AB, Georgetown University

Professor Hammack is an expert on sexual and gender diversity, with particular interest in the following areas:


·       Newer or more visible sexual and gender identities in the 21st century, including nonbinary gender, pansexuality, ace spectrum identities, polyamory, sexual subcultures and identities

·       Experiences of stigma among those expressing intimate diversity, including those who practice consensual nonmonogamies, kink/BDSM, and those who form queer chosen families

·       Queer men’s health and identity development in the 21st century, with a focus on queer masculinities, sexual health and subcultures, and stigma and mental health

·       The use of psychedelic medicine among those diverse in gender or sexuality 

·       Paradigm, theory, and method in the social sciences, with a particular interest in narrative theory and methods, social justice, cultural psychology, and life course theory


Embedded in all of Professor Hammack’s current work is an interest in the following:


·       Generational and intersectional patterns of experience

·       Social technology mediation (i.e., the role of social media in experience and development)

·       Legal, institutional, and social policies regarding sexual and gender diversity

·       Accessibility and practical application of knowledge produced


Professor Hammack is currently accepting new graduate students to join the Sexual and Gender Diversity Laboratory whose interests align with any of the items outlined above. He also works closely with undergraduates interested in conducting independent senior theses on any of these topics.

  • Sexual & gender diversity, including nonbinary gender and plurisexual (e.g., bisexual, pansexual, queer) identities, ace spectrum identities, sexual subcultures and identities
  • Intimate diversity, including polyamory and other consensual nonmonogamies, kink/BDSM, and chosen families
  • Queer men's health and identity development, with a focus on queer masculinities, sexual health and subcultures, and stigma and mental health
  • Psychedelic medicine for those diverse in gender or sexuality
  • Paradigm, theory & method in the social sciences

Sexual Identity & Society

Sexual & Gender Diversity

Intimate Diversity

Narrative Identity

Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology

Psychedelic Medicine

President, Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology (2024-2025)

Fellow, American Psychological Association, Divisions 5, 9, & 44

Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University (2017-2018)

R01 Research Grant, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) (2014-2019)

William T. Grant Foundation Scholar Award (2013-2018)

Erik Erikson Early Career Award, International Society of Political Psychology (2013)

Louise Kidder Early Career Award, American Psychological Association, Division 9 (SPSSI) (2011)

Hammack, P. L., & Manago, A. (2024). The psychology of sexual and gender diversity in the twenty-first century: Social technologies and stories of authenticity. American Psychologist. 


Hammack, P. L., & Wignall, L. (2024). “Be dog have fun”: Narratives of discovery, meaning, and motivation among members of the pup subculture. Sexuality & Culture   


Hammack, P. L., & Wignall, L. (2023). Sexual and gender diversity in the twenty-first century. Current Opinion in Psychology. 


Hammack, P. L., Pletta, D. P., Hughes, S. D., Atwood, J. M., Cohen, E. M., & Clark, R. C. (2022). Community support for sexual and gender diversity, minority stress, and mental health: A mixed-methods study of adolescents with minoritized sexual and gender identities. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. 


Hammack, P. L., Hughes, S. D., Atwood, J. M., Cohen, E. M., & Clark, R. C. (2022). Gender and sexual identity in adolescence: A mixed-methods study of labeling in diverse community settings. Journal of Adolescent Research, 37(2), 167-220. 


Josselson, R., & Hammack, P. L. (2021). Essentials of narrative analysis. American Psychological Association Press. 


Hammack, P. L., Frost, D.M., & Hughes, S.D. (2019). Queer intimacies: A new paradigm for the study of relationship diversity. Journal of Sex Research, 56, 556-592.


Hammack, P. L. (Ed.). (2018). The Oxford handbook of social psychology and social justice. Oxford University Press. 


Hammack, P. L. (2018). Gay men’s identity development in the twenty-first century: Continuity and change, normalization and resistance. Human Development, 61, 101-125.


Hammack, P. L. (2018). Social psychology and social justice: Critical principles and perspectives for the twenty-first century. In P. L. Hammack (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of social psychology and social justice (pp. 3-39). Oxford University Press.   

Copulsky, Daniel (dcopulsk)
Barsigian, Logan (lbarsigi)
Wasfie, Dhuha (dwasfie)

PSYC 140H: Sexual Identity & Society
PSYC 159S: Queer Intimacies
PSYC 255: Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology

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