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Humanities Division
Languages and Applied Linguistics
Regular Faculty
Heritage Languages
Spanish as a Heritage Language
Language Development
Bilingualism, Multilingualism
Humanities Building 1
Monday 10-10:40; Friday 11:45-12:30 and by appointment
Humanities Academic Services
Ph.D. Spanish Linguistics, UC Davis (2004)
Spanish linguistics; second language acquisition; cognitive linguistics; usage-based theory of language acquisition; heritage languages; language pedagogy and curriculum design.
- Blake, R., & Zyzik, E. (2016). El español y la lingüística aplicada. Georgetown University Press.
- Zyzik, E., & Polio, C. (2017). Authentic materials myths: Applying second language research to classroom teaching. University of Michigan Press.
SPAN 150: Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
SPAN 114: Advanced Conversation and Composition
SPAN 153: Spanish as a Second Language
APLX 101: Second Language Acquisition
APLX 135/235: Second Language Teaching
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