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  Elliot W Anderson

Elliot W Anderson

Associate Professor, Technology Art



Arts Division

Arts Division

Associate Professor, Technology Art
Chair, Art Department
Director A4 Lab


Regular Faculty

Digital Arts Research Center

Baskin Visual Arts E102

Art Department Chair Office Hours Tuesdays 11:30 - 12:30 by appointment

Art Department

Elliot Anderson is a technology artist and curator. His current research explores  creative nonfiction using new technology of Augmented Reality (AR) on handheld  devices to create unique immersive interactive location-based documentaries that reveal histories in the places where they unfolded. In 2011 Anderson created one for the first feature-length AR documentaries Silicon Monuments that tells the history of tech pollution in Silicon Valley at the site of a former IBM campus. Anderson’s current work A LGBTQ Leather Memoir is a site-based Augmented Reality documentary app for the Leather Memoir installation in Ringold Alley in the South of Market (SoMa) neighborhood of San Francisco. This technology allows viewers to experience on mobile devices through multi-media hidden stories of the institutions, businesses and people who formed the queer community in SoMa.

Anderson's work encompasses a wide range of digital media including interactive computer sculptures and installation, public art, interactive video for performance, and digital photography and Augmented Reality. He is a technology art curator and serves on the Curatorial Board at the Berkeley Art Center (BAC). In 2019 he curated the exhibition Queer Technologies at BAC examining LGBTQ conceptions and creativity with new media technology.  Anderson’s work has been exhibited and performed widely in Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. Venues include the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC, the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, the Princeton University Art Museum, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and the M.H. de Young Museum (Average Landscapes). His work includes a commissioned large-scale photographic diptych that is a centerpiece for the U.S. Embassy in Lusaka, Zambia.

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