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  Edward Allen Shanken

Edward Allen Shanken




he, him, his, his, himself

Arts Division

Arts Division



Film and Digital Media Department
Art Department
Digital Arts and New Media

Regular Faculty

Art Criticism
Art Theory
Digital Arts
Contemporary Art
Digital Media
History of Art and Visual Culture
Science and Technology
New Media

Kresge College Academic Building
Kresge 236

Kresge College

Dr. Shanken writes and teaches about the entwinement of art, science, and technology with a focus on interdisciplinary practices involving new media. Recent publications and presentations address art and shamanism, environmental art, sound art and ecology, and bridging the gap between new media and contemporary art. 

His book Art and Electronic Media (Phaidon Press, 2009) has been expanded with an extensive, multimedia, multilingual Online Companion. Inventing the Future: Art, Electricity, New Media was published in Spanish in 2013 as Inventar el Futuro, with Portuguese and Chinese translations forthcoming in paper and E-text. He edited and wrote the introduction to a collection of essays by Roy Ascott, Telematic Embrace: Visionary Theories of Art, Technology and Consciousness (University of California Press, 2003). His most recent book is Systems (Whitechapel/MIT Press, 2015).  Website:

Prior to coming to UCSC, Dr. Shanken's prior academic posts focused on graduate teaching and mentorship at RISD, University of Washington, and University of Amsterdam. Fellowships include National Endowment for the Arts, American Council of Learned Societies, UCLA, University of Bremen, and Washington University in St. Louis.  Dr. Shanken earned a Ph.D. and MA in Art History at Duke , an MBA at Yale, and a BA in Fine Art at Haverford College.

Links to his publications are available via his website, Contemporary Art and New Media.

Nothing to Hide: Art, Surveillance, and Privacy, Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT 2017. Curator.

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