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Physical & Biological Sciences Division
Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology Department
PhD Student
Molecular Biochemistry
Chemistry & Biochemistry Department
PB Sci Facilities
Eva Edelson is a graduate researcher in the Stone Research Group, which uses single molecule and biochemical techniques to study the critical ribonucleoprotein telomerase. Eva earned their Bachelor's degree in Biology from Boston University, then completed a Master of Medical Science (MMS) degree at the University of Vermont. While completing their MMS degree, Eva worked in the microbiology lab at the University of Vermont Medical Center to support COVID-19 testing and monitoring efforts, and researched chronic stage T. gondii infections in the Martorelli Di Genova lab.
At UCSC, Eva is a PhD student studying telomerase RNA folding and telomerase assembly, and also takes an active role in community involvement. As a peer mentor and a research mentor, Eva strives to ensure all mentees receive equitable mentorship that supports them in the ways they need. Eva is also a member of the METX DEI committee.
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