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  Eric C Porter

Eric C Porter

History Graduate Program Director

831-459-5287 (office, voice mail checked infrequently)


he, him, his, his, himself

Humanities Division

History Department
History of Consciousness Department
Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

History Graduate Program Director


Music Department
Latin American & Latino Studies
Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas

Regular Faculty

African American / Black Studies
Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
American Studies
California History
Urban studies
Cultural Studies

Humanities Building 1

Spring 2024: By appointment; email to set up zoom or in-person appointment; Tuesdays and Wednesdays are usually best for in-person

Humanities Academic Services

B.A. History, UC Berkeley
M.A. American Studies, University of Michigan
Ph.D. American Studies, University of Michigan

Black cultural and intellectual history; US cultural history and cultural studies; critical race and ethnic studies; popular music and jazz studies; black radicalism; urban studies.

HIS 120: W.E.B. Du Bois
HIS 20: Popular Music Movements
HIS 122A: Jazz and United States Cultural History
HIS 122B: Jazz and United States Cultural History
HIS 190C: 9/11 in Historical Perspective
HIS 204C: Colonialism, Nationalism And Race Research Seminar
HISC 216: Critical Race/Ethnic Studies
HISC 232: Music/Social/Thought
HISC: 246: Black Radicalism
HISC 249: Black Ecological Thought

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