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Cory Michael Graves-Montalbano
Assistant Department Manager & Undergraduate Programs Coordinator
he, him, his, his, himself
Arts Division
Music Department
Assistant Department Manager & Undergraduate Programs Coordinator
Music Center
Music Center
Cory started drumming at age 8 (though his parents would swear he was banging pots and pans years before that), and began playing professionally a few years later. Cory attended UCSC from 2011-2015, where he added piano, guitar, and composition to his wheelhouse of musical skills, eventually graduating with highest honors and a Bachelor of Music in drum set performance.
These days, Cory mostly finds himself playing original Americana rock with the Coffis Brothers and jump-blues swing with the Alpha Rhythms Kings, but is adept in many styles and loves to experiment with different sounds & genres.
Find Cory on the road at a live show, at a baseball game, or at a wine bar, vehemently arguing his case that Deep Space 9 is the best Star Trek franchise.
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