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  Bruce A Thompson

Bruce A Thompson

Jewish Studies Academic Advising Coordinator

831-459-3467 (office)


Humanities Division

History Department
Literature Department

Jewish Studies Academic Advising Coordinator
Continuing Lecturer


Jewish Studies


California History
Climate Change
Environmental History
European Studies
Jewish Studies and Judaism
Religion and Secularism

Stevenson College Academic Building
276 Stevenson College

Winter 2025: Monday and Wednesday @ 3:00-4:45, in person and by appointment

Stevenson Academic Services

Ph.D., Stanford University

European history, Jewish history and literature.

European intellectual and cultural history, French history, Jewish intellectual and cultural history, British and Irish history, history of cinema, history of espionage, environmental history.

European intellectual and cultural history, French history, Jewish intellectual and cultural history, British and Irish history, history of cinema, history of espionage, environmental history.

  • Co-Editor, Varieties of Antisemitism: History, Ideology, Discourse, (University of Delaware Press, 2010)
  • The Literal Imagination: Selected Essays by Ian Watt Palo Alto: SPOSS, 2003
  • Entries in Reader's Guide to British History: "Burke, Edmund," "Fiction: Romantic Era," "Drama: 1914-present"; "Painting:Holbein to Hogarth"; "Painting: Gainsborough to Sickert" London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2003
  • "Restoring the Rhine: Salmon 2000," in History in Dispute: Global Water Issues Since 1945, Columbia, S.C.: Bruccoli Clark Layman, Inc./Manly, 2001
  • Critical History: The Career of Ian Watt, Stanford Humanities Review (co-editor) Palo Alto: SPOSS, 2000
  • Entries in Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing: "Jerome Blum" (pp. 96-97), "Robert Brenner" (pp. 124-125), "Felix Gilbert" (pp. 465-467), "Leszek Kolakowski" (pp. 652-653), "Garrett Mattingly" (pp. 785-786), "Barrington Moore" (pp. 835-836), "Simon Schama" (pp. 1057-1058), London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999
  • "Ernest Gellner and the Conditions of Liberty," Stanford Humanities Review, 5:2, pp. 287-290, 1997
  • Co-Editor, Tact and Intelligence: Essays on Diplomatic History and International Relations by Gordon A. Craig
  • Co-Editor, Knowledge and Power: Essays on Politics, Culture, and War by Gordon A. Craig

HIS 70B, Modern European History, 1815-present
HIS 74, Introduction to Modern Jewish History
HIS 75, Film and the Holocaust
HIS 155, History of Modern Israel
HIS 174, Spies: History and Culture of Espionage
HIS 178B, European Intellectual History, 1770-1870
HIS 178C, European Intellectual History, 1870-1970
HIS 178E, Modern Jewish Intellectual History
HIS 196E, Modern Irish History
HIS 196F, European Environmental History

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