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  Hunter Bivens

Hunter Bivens

Associate Professor

831-459-4037 (Office)


he, him, his, his, himself

Humanities Division

Literature Department

Associate Professor


History of Art/Visual Culture
History of Consciousness Department

Regular Faculty

German Studies
Critical Theory

Cowell College Academic Building

T/Th 2-3:00pm and by appointment

Cowell Academic Services

BA Bard College; PhD University of Chicago

Twentieth and twenty-first century German literature, culture, and film; Marxism and critical theory; socialist realism and proletarian literature; modernism and left avant-gardes; novel theory

Anna Seghers; Bertolt Brecht; GDR literature and film; work and culture

nineteenth to twenty-first century German literature and culture; Marxism and critical theory; film; Bertolt Brecht; Franz Kafka; cultures of socialism; represntations of work

The East German Construction Novel of the 1950s: Work, Affect, and Obstinacy (forthcoming from Camden House)


Epic and Exile: Novels of the German Popular Front (Northwestern UP 2015)


"On the German Popular Front Novel in Historical and International Context" in The Political Uses of Literature: Global Perspectives and Theoretical Approaches, 1920-2020, ed. Benjamin Kohlmann and Ivana Perica (New York: Bloomsbury, 2024), 69-86.


"Werner Bräunig's Rummelplatz: Reading For Socialist Infrastructure." symploke 31.1-2 (2023): 151-166.


"Obstinacy and Allegory in Eduard Claudius's East German Construction Novel Menschen an unsrer Seite." German Studies Review. 44.3 (2021), 545-564


"Brecht and German Studies" in Brecht in Context, ed. Stephen Brockmann (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2021), 242-248


 "Revisiting German Proletarian-Revolutionary Literature," in Working-Class Literature(s): Historical and International Perspectives. Volume 2, ed. John Lennon and Magnus Nilsson (Stockholm: Stockholm University Press, 2020), 83–113


"Notes on Seghers and Adorno: Marxism, Post-Fascism, and the Question of Culture" in Anna Seghers: The Challenge of History (German Monitor v. 80), ed. Helen Fehervary, Christiane Zehl Romero, and Amy Kepple Strawser (Leiden: Brill, 2019), 243-260


"Brecht’s Cruel Optimism or, What are Socialist Affects? / Der unbarmherzige Optimismus Bertolt Brechts oder, Was ist ein sozialistischer Affekt?" The Brecht Yearbook 43 (2018), 118-136


"Affective Labors of Socialist Construction in Early East German Literature." Marc Silberman, ed. Back to the Future: Tradition and Innovation in German Studies (New York: Peter Lang 2018), 147-172


"Aufbauzeit oder flaue Zeit?: Anna Seghers's GDR Novels." Kristey boney and Jennifer William, ed. Dimensions in Storytelling: A Festschrift for Helen Fehervary (Suffolk: Camden House, 2018), 70-81


 "Socialist Cinema and Modernity." Marc Silberman and Henning Wrage, ed. at the Crossroads of East German and International Film Culture: A Companion (Berlin: De Gruyter 2014) pp. 24-44


"Neustadt: Architecture and Affect in Brigitte Reimann's East German Novel Franziska Linkerhand," The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory 83:2, 139-166


"Anna Seghers' 'The Man and His Name': Heimat and the Labor of Interpellation in Postwar East Germany," German Studies Review 30.2, 311-330

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