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Amy Marie Argenal
Assistant Teaching Professor of Community-Engaged Research and Learning
831-459-3518 (Fax)
She/Her/Hers/ Ella
Social Sciences Division
Sociology Department
Assistant Teaching Professor of Community-Engaged Research and Learning
Legal Studies
Center for Labor and Community
Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas
Regular Faculty
Community-based Research
Human Rights
Rachel Carson College Academic Building
Rachel Carson College 312
W-2:15pm-3:45pm drop-in- Social Sciences 2- 2nd floor tables By appointment-
Rachel Carson College Faculty Services
Argenal, A. & Villasenor, T. (2025). The legacy of sanctuary: The movement to end immigration detention in California through interfaith organizing. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice (0), 1-12.
Pak, J., Gurung, J. & Argenal, A. (2023). Refugee and immigrant youth leaders: Strengths, futurity, and commitment to community. Social Science 12(11), 640.
Argenal, A., Hernandez-Arriaga, B., García, C. & Chávez, A. (2023). Querida América: Narrativas contra el protocol de protección a migrantes. In C. Tigau, S. Sahoo & W. Gois (Eds), Migración, diásporas y Desarrollo sostenible: Perspectivas desde las Américas, (27-41). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Hernandez- Arriaga, B. & Argenal, A. (2023). Dreams of an education from Tent Zero: A case study of asylum-seeking children impacted by Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) at the U.S. Mexico border. In A. Wiseman & L. Damaschke-Deitrick (Eds), Education for refugees and forced (im)migrants across time and context, (pp. 75-88). Emerald Publishing.
Argenal, A. (2022). Human rights narratives from Myanmar: Decolonial and relational approaches to solidarity. International Journal of Human Rights Education, 6(1), 1-30.
Hernandez-Arriaga, B. & Argenal, A. (2022). “Todos Somos Humanos, Danos Una Oportunidad”: Amplifying Voices of Asylum Seekers through Activism Accompaniment. In C. Magno, J. Lew, & S. Rodriguez (Eds), (Re) Mapping migration and education: Centering methods and methodologies, (pp 158-175). Brill.
Hernandez-Arriaga, B., Garcia, C., Argenal, A. & Chavez, A. (2022). Querida America: Testimonios of faith, solidarity, and survival along the U.S./ Mexico border. In S. Deb & B. Gerrard (Eds), Handbook of health and well-being: Challenges, strategies and future trends (pp.83-96). Springer.
Bajaj, M. & Argenal, A. (2021). Reclaiming Spaces, Reshaping Practices: Yoga for Building Community and Nurturing Families of Color. In Hagan, C. (Ed), Practicing yoga as resistance. Routledge.
Argenal, A. (2021). Centering relationships in the dissertation: Conducting PAR as a way to build relationships outside of the academy. In S. Atalay & A. McCleary (Eds.), The community-based PhD: Complexities, triumphs, missteps and joys of conducting community-based & Participatory Action Research as graduate students. University of Arizona Press.
Argenal, A. (2018). Teaching privilege that is mindful of identity development. Connections Quarterly: Privilege, 37(4), 11-15.
Koirala-Azad, S, Zanoni, K. & Argenal, A. (2018). Critical reflections on the positionality of human rights educators working in diverse contexts. In S.M. Akpovo, M.J. Moran & R. Brookshire (Eds.), Collaborative cross-cultural research methodologies in early care and education contexts (pp. 81-98). Routledge.
Bajaj, M., Canlas, M. & Argenal, A. (2018). Human rights education and critical pedagogy for marginalized youth. In N. Palaiologou & M. Zembylas (Eds.), Human rights education and citizenship education: Intercultural perspectives from within an international context (pp.12-28). Cambridge University Press.
Bajaj, M., Argenal, A. & Canlas, M. (2017). Socio-politically relevant pedagogy for immigrant and refugee youth. Equity & Excellence in Education 50(3), 258-274.
Bajaj, M., Argenal, A. & Canlas, M. (2017). Between rights and realities: Human rights education for newcomer youth in an urban public high school. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 48(2), 124-140.
Argenal, A. (2016). Social Justice: The learning in service learning. Connections Quarterly: Social Justice, 36(1), 6, 22-24.
Canlas, M., Argenal, A., & Bajaj, M. (2015). Teaching human rights from below: Towards solidarity, resistance and social justice. Radical Teacher: A Socialist, Feminist, and Anti-racist Journal on the Theory and Practice of Learning, 103(Fall), 38-46.
Argenal, A. & Jacquez, T. (2015). Critical service learning and social justice: A holistic curriculum. In O. Delano-Oriaran, M. Penick-Parks & S. Fondrie (Eds.), The Sage Sourcebook of service learning and civic engagement (pp. 61-65). Sage reference.
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